Greene Naftali
Richard Hawkins: Fragile Flowers
Les Presses du Réel, Dijon
Les presses du reel.

128 pages
6.89 x 4.53 inches
Artist Page
Since the 1990s, Richard Hawkins has evolved a collage practice inherited from Brion Gysins cut-up technique, the legacy of which aggressively mined the collapsed myths of American counter-culture. Within his body of work, whether painting, sculpture, assemblage, fiction or poems, collage offers a space for doublings and expansions, a window to the transient, unrealisable, ephemeral and unstable the fantastical space of classic and contemporary mythologies. The eight short stories comprising this first book of Hawkins writings are haunted by a voyeuristic, desiring hunter, its narratives of homosexual indulgence and vulgar pleasure at once delightful and decadent.