On View at Bard Graduate Center | LUBAINA HIMID

Lubaina Himid, Drowned Orchard: Secret Boatyard, 2014, Acrylic paint on wood, dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist, Greene Naftali, New York, and Hollybush Gardens, London.

LUBAINA HIMID in SIGHTLINES on Peace, Power & Prestige: Metal Arts in Africa
September 29 – December 31, 2023

Bard Graduate Center Gallery
18 West 86th Street
New York, NY 10024

LUBAINA HIMID's 2014 work, Drowned Orchard: Secret Boatyard is currently on view at Bard Graduate Center Gallery.

SIGHTLINES on Peace, Power & Prestige: Metal Arts in Africa brings leading contemporary artists into conversation with historic African metal arts. Sculptures, photography, weavings, metal work, and multimedia installations by Radcliffe Bailey, Sammy Baloji, Sharif Bey, LUBAINA HIMID, Bronwyn Katz, Kapwani Kiwanga, Abigail Lucien, Tsedaye Makonnen, Otobong Nkanga, Julia Phillips, Zohra Opoku, Nari Ward, and Amanda Williams create sightlines with staffs and figures by the Mande smiths of Mali; regalia of the Edo chiefs of Nigeria; sacred objects of the Tusian, Gan, and Lobi peoples of Burkina Faso; ceremonial swords, gold weights, and personal adornment of the Akan people of Ghana; currencies, ceremonial staffs, and weaponry from Congo; and other extraordinary works in metal drawn from Peace, Power & Prestige, curated by Susan Cooksey at the University of Florida’s Harn Museum of Art. SIGHTLINES, curated by Drew Thompson, features exhibition design by AD—WO, the architecture firm of Emanuel Admassu and Jen Wood.

For more information, please visit Bard Graduate Center's website


Greene Naftali
508 West 26th Street
Ground Floor & 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001

(212) 463-7770


