On view at Kode, Bergen | JANA EULER and DIAMOND STINGILY

Jana Euler, Under this perspective, 1, 2015.

Composition for the Left Hand
February 15 – June 8, 2024

Rasmus Meyer, Kode Museums
Rasmus Meyers allé 7, 5015 Bergen, Norway

Works by JANA EULER and DIAMOND STINGILY from the Erling Kagge collection are on view in Composition for the Left Hand, where contemporary art from the collection of polar explorer and adventurer Erling Kagge interweaves with rarely displayed works from Kode’s historical collection

In a revisionary approach to presenting the museum collection, nearly 400 works from artists from either side of the past 100 years entangle and intertwine to produce conversations between the works – Anne Imhof with Francisco Goya, Peder Balke with Trisha Donnelly, Synnøve Anker Aurdal with Tauba Auerbach, Frida Hansen with Marc C. Chaimowicz, and Honoré Daumier with Raymond Pettibon, among others.

Composition for the Left Hand is curated by Marta Kuzma, curator, theorist and Professor at Yale School of Art. The exhibition is part of a series of projects at Kode in 2023–24 under the theme 'The Collectors', where the museum shines a light on historically significant collectors, as well as contemporary figures who have been dedicated to making their collections publicly accessible.

By generating these visual dialogues, the exhibition addresses how “nature” has traversed from the 19th-century ideal of landscape to a wider category of ecology as a reflection on the state of human society.


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