RACHEL HARRISON on view at MoMA | Collection: 1970s–Present

Rachel Harrison, No Menus, 1997. Wood, polystyrene, acrylic, and chromogenic prints. 74 x 43 x 10 inches (188 x 109.2 x 25.4 cm)

RACHEL HARRISON in Collection: 1970s–Present
Museum of Modern Art, New York | Gallery 207

Harrison’s 1997 work No Menus is now on view in MoMA's gallery 207, in a group presentation titled "Assembly."

From the museum:

"The sculptures in this gallery are often referred to as ‘assemblages.’ Making an assemblage—which involves combining like and unlike things found in the everyday world rather than creating entirely anew—can be a political gesture…. Although many of the artworks on display were made in the late 1980s and early 1990s—a period of dissent against decades of conservative government in the United States—the concerns they raise remain urgent."


Greene Naftali
508 West 26th Street
Ground Floor & 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001

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