On view at BRIC, Brooklyn | RAQUE FORD in B-side: (Broken) Memory and Remix

Raque Ford, Grudge you feel safe, 2022. Drypoint watercolor monotype, 46 3/4 x 30 3/4 inches (118.7 x 78.1 cm)

RAQUE FORD in B-side: (Broken) Memory and Remix

Oct 10, 2023 – Jan 21, 2024
Opening Reception: Tuesday, Oct 10, 7-9pm

Gallery at BRIC House
647 Fulton St
Brooklyn, NY 11217

This exhibition of photography, painting, and sculpture explores remix as a crucial method of creation within the Hip-Hop genre. Remix is a sonic metaphor for the active reinvention of Black life as a means for repairing colonial ruptures. To remix, as put by scholar Katherine McKittrick, is to “engender new contexts with old histories.” Remix frames the artistic works of Camella Ehlke, David Ellis, Adama Delphine Fawundu, and Raque Ford. In the era where Hip-Hop celebrates 50 years of cultural innovation, these four artists illuminate how Black Diasporic remixing is central to the broader survival strategy of storytelling and preserving memory. Remixing offers an expansive framework for composing new futures with poetic resonance, and much like the experimental remixes found on a Hip-Hop artist’s B-side tracks, encourages ongoing dialogue and constant creative evolution.

For more information, please visit the exhibition website.


Greene Naftali
508 West 26th Street
Ground Floor & 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001

(212) 463-7770



Summer Hours: