On view at Fondazione Prada, Milan | TONY COKES

Tony Cokes, Untitled (Sol Lewitt 1967, 1968, 1989), 2023. Double-sided LED video wall, sound.

Fondazione Prada, Milan
Oct 26, 2023 - Feb 22, 2024

Paraventi: Folding Screens from the 17th to 21st Centuries is an extensive exhibition spanning four centuries of art, curated by Nicholas Cullinan. It investigates the histories and semantics of folding screens by tracing trajectories of cross-pollination between East and West, processes of hybridization between different art forms and functions, collaborative relationships between designers and artists, and the emergence of new works.

TONY COKES has made a new artwork for this exhibition that pairs a soundtrack from the rock band My Bloody Valentine with an animated, target-like circular pattern, projected as a two-channel video on either side of a freestanding screen. The imagery is inspired by a sculpture of Sol LeWitt’s from the late 1980s, which is also featured in the exhibition, and textual overlays are lifted from seminal essays written by LeWitt in the 1960s.

For more information, visit the Fondazione Prada.

Watch Fondazione Prada's interview with Tony Cokes here.


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508 West 26th Street
Ground Floor & 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001

(212) 463-7770



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