On view at Centre Vox, Montréal | ALLEN RUPPERSBERG

Installation view, Art + Typo, Centre Vox, Montréal, 2024

ALLEN RUPPERSBERG, The Singing Posters: Allen Ginsberg's Howl by Allen Ruppersberg (Part 1 - 3), 2003 / 2005

On view in ART + TYPO, a group exhibition at Centre Vox.

Centre Vox, Montréal
Feb 22 - Jun 22, 2024
Opening reception: 5pm on Thursday, Feb 22, 2024

VOX and the Centre de design de l'UQAM have joined forces to present a major exhibition on art and typography, especially developed by Angela Grauerholz and Robert Fones. While the exhibition spans various disciplines, its primary concern is on typography as a form-giving and expressive art. ART + TYPO is fundamentally propelled by research, experimentation and a deep connection with language, materiality and diverse design forms.

Curated by Angela Grauerholz, Robert Fones

For more information, please visit Centre Vox's website.


Greene Naftali
508 West 26th Street
Ground Floor & 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001

(212) 463-7770



Summer Hours: